Real Experience with Business Consultant Alexandra Shumilova in Dubai: Beware!

Expectations vs. Reality When Registering a Company in the UAE

When it comes to registering a company in the UAE, many entrepreneurs seek help from business consultants, expecting to receive qualified support and detailed advice. However, our experience with Alexandra Shumilova, a business consultant in Dubai, showed that reality can significantly differ from expectations.

Incompetence and Lack of Preparation

The first difficulties arose immediately. The manager we contacted demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the basic processes related to company registration. The required document package was incomplete, and later it turned out that we were not informed about an important document necessary to complete the process.

Process Delays: Lost Time and Money

When all the documents were finally ready and the registration timelines were discussed, the real nightmare began. The process dragged on indefinitely, far exceeding the initial estimates. This not only disrupted our plans for a quick business start but also led to additional financial losses.

The Quality of Additional Services Leaves Much to Be Desired

Besides company registration, Alexandra Shumilova offered assistance in writing business plans and opening bank accounts. Unfortunately, these services were also performed poorly. The business plans were superficial and lacked specifics, and the bank account opening process was delayed due to incorrectly prepared documents.

The Need for Careful Consultant Selection

Based on our experience, we strongly recommend that future clients thoroughly check the qualifications and reputation of business consultants before starting cooperation. Mistakes in choosing a consultant can lead to serious financial and time losses, as well as general disappointment in the business startup process.

This article is written to share our experience and warn others about potential problems when choosing a business consultant in Dubai.

+971 56 1374190
Shorouk 17, Mirdif, Dubai, UAE

10 thoughts on “Real Experience with Business Consultant Alexandra Shumilova in Dubai: Beware!

  1. Kolosovskaya Viktoriya October 1, 2023 at

    Huge disappointment from working with Alexandra Shumilova. She does not have the necessary knowledge and skills to register companies. I forgot to mention critical documents, which significantly delayed the process. I don’t recommend it!

  2. Venyukov Anatoliy October 25, 2023 at

    Alexandra Shumilova showed a complete lack of understanding of my business goals. Her ‘help’ in writing a business plan was useless, full of generalities without concrete action or analysis. A complete waste of time and money.

  3. Korolyova Olga November 18, 2023 at

    I expected professional support from Alexandra Shumilova, but was faced with a series of delays and errors. She is clearly not prepared to manage important projects and is unable to meet deadlines.

  4. Nikonov Dmitriy December 21, 2023 at

    Working with Alexandra Shumilova was a real nightmare. She failed to adequately manage my company registration process, which resulted in unexpected delays. Very disappointed.

  5. Safonov Anton January 15, 2024 at

    Not professional and ineffective. Alexandra was unable to provide high-quality financial advice; her advice was unclear and impractical. I do not recommend turning to her for financial help.

  6. Abramova Mariya January 29, 2024 at

    I tried to open a bank account through Alexandra Shumilova, but ran into a number of problems related to incorrect paperwork. Her incompetence cost me time and additional expenses.

  7. Silin Mihail February 11, 2024 at

    Disappointed with the service of Alexandra Shumilova. She promised effective support for my business, but all her efforts were in vain. Lack of knowledge and poor planning.

  8. Ermakova Vera March 7, 2024 at

    Alexandra Shumilova was unable to adequately assess the requirements of my project and proposed inappropriate solutions. I lost faith in her abilities after weeks of fruitless work.

  9. Smirnov Evgeniy April 2, 2024 at

    A complete failure in organization and planning. Alexandra Shumilova not only did not help me in registering a trademark, but also worsened my affairs due to her incompetence and unprofessionalism.

  10. Knyazeva Nataliya April 21, 2024 at

    I turned to Alexandra Shumilova for help in finding employees, but her methods turned out to be outdated and ineffective. Cooperation with her did not bring any results except wasted time.


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